The Bone Densitometry department at Aultman Alliance Community Hospital is capable of going beyond Bone Mineral Density (BMD) with GE Lunar Prodigy Advance.

The Bone Densitometry Department is dedicated to keeping patients as relaxed as possible during their bone density testing.

A typical bone density exam will take approximately 15-20 minutes:

  • if patients becomes uncomfortable, they will be provided with a cushion under the knees and a blanket or sheet to be more at ease
  • to limit anxiety, a technologist will remain in the room throughout the exam

DEXA bone density testing services are the most commonly used at Aultman Alliance Community Hospital.

DEXA tests are most often used to diagnose osteoporosis, a condition that usually affects women after menopause but may be found in some men.

  • the condition involves a gradual loss of calcium, causing bones to become more likely to break
  • DEXA tests can assess fractures as an effective method of tracking treatment in conditions that cause bone loss

If you have any further questions, feel free to call our Imaging Department at 330-596-7700.

To make an appointment, call Centralized Scheduling at 330-596-7187.



Dual-energy Vertebral Assessment (DVA) is available for examining the presence of vertebral fractures in the spine.

DVA expands the clinical applications available with the Lunar Prodigy Advance bone densitometer by providing a rapid, dual-energy image of the AP and lateral spine. The images captured during DVA allow clinicians to assess the presence of vertebral fractures in the spine. Experts agree this is the preferred method for imaging the lateral spine.

Advanced Hip Assessment (AHA) is an advanced assessment of the hip and femoral regions of interest.

AHA gives measurements of Hip Axis Length (HAL) and Cross-Sectional Moment of Inertia (CSMI) to provide additional information regarding the densitometry of the hip and femur. HAL data is an effective method for predicting fracture risk, while CSMI is used to calculate the load-bearing capacity of the hip.

Orthopaedic software measures BMD and Bone Mineral Content (BMC) precisely and accurately to provide orthopaedists with valuable data for clinical practice and research. Our bone density testing services can provide our professionals with the information they need to accurately diagnosis your conditions.