Financial Assistance

Financial Assistance Program

Aultman Alliance Community Hospital provides services without charge or at a reduced rate to patients who cannot afford to pay hospital care through the Hospital Financial Assistance Program (FAP). Check the eligibility guidelines to see if you are eligible for FAP.

The Financial Counseling office is open 8 a.m. – 3p.m., for patients that want to apply for HCAP and/or financial assistance.

Apply for the Financial Assistance Program.

To be eligible, patients must complete a financial assistance application and family income must be at or below 400% of the federal poverty level income guidelines. Federal poverty guidelines are updated annually. This policy meets the guidelines of Ohio's Hospital Care Assurance Program (HCAP) as well as the IRS Regulation under IRC Section 501(r) that hospitals must meet in order to retain their tax-exempt status. 

Eligibility Guidelines

Assistance is limited to acute hospital services that are deemed emergent or medically necessary. Aultman Alliance Community Hospital determines medical necessity by the list of "covered revenue codes" as defined in Appendix I of the Ohio Department of Medicaid Office of Benefits Hospital Billing Guidelines:

Financial assistance is only available for services at Aultman Alliance. Professional fees are not included. Specifically, balances for physician offices (Aultman Alliance Medical Associates), anesthesia fees (Anesthesia Associates of Alliance), Community Care Center, Alliance Hospice, etc. are not covered by the hospital's financial assistance policy.

Patients or their representatives must complete a financial assistance form for eligibility. Hospital may obtain information orally if patient cannot complete application in writing.

Gross income for all members of the family must be reported. The definition of "family" shall include: Parent(s) Spouse(s) Children, natural or adoptive, under age 18 living in the home.

Gross income is income from employment of jobs, self-employment, public assistance, Social Security, unemployment compensation, Worker's Compensation, pension, inheritance, disability, child support, alimony, interest earned, and rental income BEFORE TAXES.

The income reported on the application earned in the three months prior to hospital services will be projected as a year of income. The lower of the projected year of income or the actual 12 months of income preceding the hospital services will be used to determine eligibility.

Third party coverage is always primary to financial assistance. Patients with third party coverage must comply with all of the requirements of their coverage such as pre-certification, prior authorization and referrals as a condition of eligibility for financial assistance.

Patients must indicate the date of service for which they are requesting assistance. 

The Patient Financial Services office will determine eligibility and will mail a formal eligibility determination letter to the patient.

Eligibility determination and record-keeping procedures.

  1. Applications will be given to the colleague(s) responsible for eligibility determinations.
  2. Eligibility determination will be made in accordance with the following policies:
    a) Hospital Care Assurance Program -- HCAP
    b) Hospital Financial Assistance Policy to include IRS 501(r) regulations.

Aultman Alliance Community Hospital is required to provide emergent or medically necessary health care without charge to persons who cannot afford to pay for care.

Individuals are eligible for medically necessary health care at no cost if their family does not exceed the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines. See schedule below. 

Aultman Alliance Community Hospital provides services without charge or at a reduced rate to patients who cannot afford to pay for hospital care. To be eligible, patients must complete a financial assistance application and family income must be at or below 400% of the federal poverty level income guidelines. Federal poverty guidelines are updated annually. This policy meets the guidelines of Ohio's Hospital Care Assurance Program (HCAP) as well as the IRS Regulation under IRC Section 501(r) that hospitals must meet in order to retain their tax­ exempt status.

If an individual has health insurance coverage provided by their employer, self-insured, or Medicare, etc. they would receive medically necessary services at no cost or a reduced cost if they are not paid by the plan and qualify for financial assistance. If it appears that they may be eligible for assistance from Federal or State agencies, they may be asked to apply to these agencies before a request for financial assistance is finalized.   

Individuals are eligible for medically necessary healthcare at a reduced cost if their gross family income does not exceed 400% of the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines. Patients that are at or below the poverty guidelines will qualify for a 100% reduction according to the Hospital Care Assurance Program (HCAP). The code to be used for this adjustment is ASPHCAP. Patients that have a household income between 100% and 400% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines may qualify for a reduction of 55% to 75% of total charges. 

2024 Aultman Alliance Community Hospital HCAP FAP Guidelines

Extraordinary Collection Action (ECA)

Aultman Alliance Community Hospital will not engage in ECAs, either directly or by any debt collection agency or other party to which the hospital has referred the patient's debt, before reasonable efforts are made to determine whether a responsible individual is eligible for assistance under the FAP. ECA means any action against an individual responsible for a bill related to obtaining payment on a self-pay account that requires a legal or judicial process or reporting adverse information about the responsible individual to consumer credit reporting agencies/credit bureaus. ECAs do not include transferring of a self-pay account to another party for purposes of collection without the use of any ECAs.

Policy availability and how to apply.

For more in formation on Aultman Alliance Community Hospital's financial assistance programs, please see attached brochure. Questions regarding financial assistance should be directed to the Patient Financial Services at 330-596-7584 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. 

To request a copy of the FAP policy or HCAP application form, please contact Patient Financial Services or print off here. (En Espanol)

  • Complete an entire HCAP application, including family and income information
  • Sign and date the application
  • Return the completed application to:

    Alliance Community Hospital
    Patient Financial Services -- Financial Counselors
    200 E State St.
    Alliance, OH 44601

Financial policy covered services.

Please note that the financial policy covers only services billed by Aultman Alliance Community Hospital. Professional (provider) fees are not included. Specifically, balances for physician offices (Aultman Alliance Medical Associates), anesthesia fees (Anesthesia Associates of Alliance), Community Care Center, Alliance Hospice, etc. ARE NOT covered by the hospital's financial assistance policy. 

2022 Financial Policy
2021 Financial Policy

2020 Financial Policy